



要在 View 中处理此问题,请为要移动的数据创建一个 ClipData 对象和 ClipData.Item 对象。作为 ClipData 的一部分,提供存储在 ClipData 内的 ClipDescription 对象中的元数据。对于不表示数据移动的拖放操作,您可能希望使用 null 而不是实际对象。

例如,此代码片段显示了如何通过创建一个包含 ImageView 的标签(或标签)的 ClipData 对象来响应 ImageView 上的触摸和按住手势


// Create a string for the ImageView label.
val IMAGEVIEW_TAG = "icon bitmap"
val imageView = ImageView(context).apply {
    // Set the bitmap for the ImageView from an icon bitmap defined elsewhere.
    setOnLongClickListener { v ->
        // Create a new ClipData. This is done in two steps to provide
        // clarity. The convenience method ClipData.newPlainText() can
        // create a plain text ClipData in one step.

        // Create a new ClipData.Item from the ImageView object's tag.
        val item = ClipData.Item(v.tag as? CharSequence)

        // Create a new ClipData using the tag as a label, the plain text
        // MIME type, and the already-created item. This creates a new
        // ClipDescription object within the ClipData and sets its MIME type
        // to "text/plain".
        val dragData = ClipData(
            v.tag as? CharSequence,

        // Instantiate the drag shadow builder. We use this imageView object
        // to create the default builder.
        val myShadow = View.DragShadowBuilder(view: this)

        // Start the drag.
        v.startDragAndDrop(dragData,  // The data to be dragged.
                            myShadow,  // The drag shadow builder.
                            null,      // No need to use local data.
                            0          // Flags. Not currently used, set to 0.

        // Indicate that the long-click is handled.


// Create a string for the ImageView label.
private static final String IMAGEVIEW_TAG = "icon bitmap";
// Create a new ImageView.
ImageView imageView = new ImageView(context);

// Set the bitmap for the ImageView from an icon bitmap defined elsewhere.

// Set the tag.

// Set a long-click listener for the ImageView using an anonymous listener
// object that implements the OnLongClickListener interface.
imageView.setOnLongClickListener( v -> {

    // Create a new ClipData. This is done in two steps to provide clarity. The
    // convenience method ClipData.newPlainText() can create a plain text
    // ClipData in one step.

    // Create a new ClipData.Item from the ImageView object's tag.
    ClipData.Item item = new ClipData.Item((CharSequence) v.getTag());

    // Create a new ClipData using the tag as a label, the plain text MIME type,
    // and the already-created item. This creates a new ClipDescription object
    // within the ClipData and sets its MIME type to "text/plain".
    ClipData dragData = new ClipData(
            (CharSequence) v.getTag(),
            new String[] { ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN },

    // Instantiate the drag shadow builder. We use this imageView object
    // to create the default builder.
    View.DragShadowBuilder myShadow = new View.DragShadowBuilder(imageView);

    // Start the drag.
    v.startDragAndDrop(dragData,  // The data to be dragged.
                            myShadow,  // The drag shadow builder.
                            null,      // No need to use local data.
                            0          // Flags. Not currently used, set to 0.

    // Indicate that the long-click is handled.
    return true;


在拖动操作期间,系统会将拖动事件分派到当前布局中 View 对象的拖动事件侦听器。侦听器通过调用 DragEvent.getAction() 来获取操作类型做出反应。在拖动开始时,此方法返回 ACTION_DRAG_STARTED

响应操作类型为 ACTION_DRAG_STARTED 的事件时,拖动事件侦听器必须执行以下操作

  1. 调用 DragEvent.getClipDescription() 并使用返回的 ClipDescription 中的 MIME 类型方法查看侦听器是否可以接受正在拖动的数据。


  2. 如果拖动事件侦听器可以接受放置,则它必须返回 true 以告诉系统继续将拖动事件发送到侦听器。如果侦听器无法接受放置,则侦听器必须返回 false,并且系统会停止将拖动事件发送到侦听器,直到系统发送 ACTION_DRAG_ENDED 以结束拖放操作。

对于 ACTION_DRAG_STARTED 事件,以下 DragEvent 方法无效:getClipData()getX()getY()getResult()


在拖动操作期间,响应 ACTION_DRAG_STARTED 拖动事件返回 true 的拖动事件侦听器将继续接收拖动事件。侦听器在拖动期间接收的拖动事件类型取决于拖动阴影的位置和侦听器 View 的可见性。侦听器主要使用拖动事件来确定它们是否必须更改其 View 的外观。

在拖动操作期间,DragEvent.getAction() 返回三个值之一

  • ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED:当触摸点(屏幕上用户手指或鼠标下方的点)进入侦听器 View 的边界框时,侦听器会收到此事件操作类型。
  • ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION:侦听器收到 ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED 事件后,每次触摸点移动时都会收到新的 ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION 事件,直到收到 ACTION_DRAG_EXITED 事件。 getX()getY() 方法返回触摸点的 X 和 Y 坐标。
  • ACTION_DRAG_EXITED:此事件操作类型发送到先前收到 ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED 的侦听器。当拖动阴影触摸点从侦听器 View 的边界框内移动到边界框外部时,会发送该事件。



  • 响应 ACTION_DRAG_ENTEREDACTION_DRAG_LOCATION 时,侦听器可以更改 View 的外观以指示该视图是潜在的放置目标。
  • 操作类型为 ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION 的事件包含 getX()getY() 的有效数据,分别对应于触摸点的位置。侦听器可以使用此信息在触摸点处更改 View 外观或确定用户可以放置内容的确切位置。
  • 响应 ACTION_DRAG_EXITED 时,侦听器必须重置它响应 ACTION_DRAG_ENTEREDACTION_DRAG_LOCATION 应用的任何外观更改。这向用户表明 View 不再是即将到来的放置目标。


当用户在 View 上释放拖动阴影,并且 View 之前报告它可以接受正在拖动的内容时,系统会将操作类型为 ACTION_DROP 的拖动事件分派到 View


  1. 调用 getClipData() 获取最初在调用 startDragAndDrop() 中提供的 ClipData 对象并处理数据。如果拖放操作不表示数据移动,则这不需要。

  2. 返回布尔值 true 以指示放置已成功处理,或者返回 false 如果未成功处理。返回值成为最终 ACTION_DRAG_ENDED 事件的 getResult() 返回的值。如果系统未发送 ACTION_DROP 事件,则 ACTION_DRAG_ENDED 事件的 getResult() 返回的值为 false

对于 ACTION_DROP 事件,getX()getY() 使用接收放置的 View 的坐标系来返回放置时触摸点的 *X* 和 *Y* 位置。

虽然用户能够在拖动事件侦听器未接收拖动事件的 View 上释放拖动阴影,甚至在应用 UI 的空白区域或应用外部区域上,但 Android 不会发送操作类型为 ACTION_DROP 的事件,并且只会发送 ACTION_DRAG_ENDED 事件。


在用户释放拖动阴影后立即,系统会将操作类型为 ACTION_DRAG_ENDED 的拖动事件发送到应用程序中的所有拖动事件侦听器。这表示拖动操作已完成。


  1. 如果监听器在操作过程中更改了其外观,则应重置回其默认外观,以此作为视觉指示,告知用户操作已完成。
  2. 监听器可以选择调用getResult()以了解有关操作的更多信息。如果监听器对动作类型为ACTION_DROP的事件返回true,则getResult()返回布尔值true。在所有其他情况下,getResult()都返回布尔值false,包括系统未发送ACTION_DROP事件时。
  3. 为了指示拖放操作已成功完成,监听器应向系统返回布尔值true。不返回false,可能会导致显示拖影返回其源的视觉提示,从而让用户误以为操作不成功。




val imageView = ImageView(this)

// Set the drag event listener for the View.
imageView.setOnDragListener { v, e ->

    // Handle each of the expected events.
    when (e.action) {
        DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED -> {
            // Determine whether this View can accept the dragged data.
            if (e.clipDescription.hasMimeType(ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN)) {
                // As an example, apply a blue color tint to the View to
                // indicate that it can accept data.
                (v as? ImageView)?.setColorFilter(Color.BLUE)

                // Invalidate the view to force a redraw in the new tint.

                // Return true to indicate that the View can accept the dragged
                // data.
            } else {
                // Return false to indicate that, during the current drag and
                // drop operation, this View doesn't receive events again until
                // ACTION_DRAG_ENDED is sent.
        DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED -> {
            // Apply a green tint to the View.
            (v as? ImageView)?.setColorFilter(Color.GREEN)

            // Invalidate the view to force a redraw in the new tint.

            // Return true. The value is ignored.

        DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION ->
            // Ignore the event.
        DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED -> {
            // Reset the color tint to blue.
            (v as? ImageView)?.setColorFilter(Color.BLUE)

            // Invalidate the view to force a redraw in the new tint.

            // Return true. The value is ignored.
        DragEvent.ACTION_DROP -> {
            // Get the item containing the dragged data.
            val item: ClipData.Item = e.clipData.getItemAt(0)

            // Get the text data from the item.
            val dragData = item.text

            // Display a message containing the dragged data.
            Toast.makeText(this, "Dragged data is $dragData", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

            // Turn off color tints.
            (v as? ImageView)?.clearColorFilter()

            // Invalidate the view to force a redraw.

            // Return true. DragEvent.getResult() returns true.

        DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED -> {
            // Turn off color tinting.
            (v as? ImageView)?.clearColorFilter()

            // Invalidate the view to force a redraw.

            // Do a getResult() and display what happens.
            when(e.result) {
                true ->
                    Toast.makeText(this, "The drop was handled.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
                else ->
                    Toast.makeText(this, "The drop didn't work.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)

            // Return true. The value is ignored.
        else -> {
            // An unknown action type is received.
            Log.e("DragDrop Example", "Unknown action type received by View.OnDragListener.")


View imageView = new ImageView(this);

// Set the drag event listener for the View.
imageView.setOnDragListener( (v, e) -> {

    // Handle each of the expected events.
    switch(e.getAction()) {

        case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED:

            // Determine whether this View can accept the dragged data.
            if (e.getClipDescription().hasMimeType(ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN)) {

                // As an example, apply a blue color tint to the View to
                // indicate that it can accept data.

                // Invalidate the view to force a redraw in the new tint.

                // Return true to indicate that the View can accept the dragged
                // data.
                return true;


            // Return false to indicate that, during the current drag-and-drop
            // operation, this View doesn't receive events again until
            // ACTION_DRAG_ENDED is sent.
            return false;

        case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED:

            // Apply a green tint to the View.

            // Invalidate the view to force a redraw in the new tint.

            // Return true. The value is ignored.
            return true;

        case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION:

            // Ignore the event.
            return true;

        case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED:

            // Reset the color tint to blue.

            // Invalidate the view to force a redraw in the new tint.

            // Return true. The value is ignored.
            return true;

        case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP:

            // Get the item containing the dragged data.
            ClipData.Item item = e.getClipData().getItemAt(0);

            // Get the text data from the item.
            CharSequence dragData = item.getText();

            // Display a message containing the dragged data.
            Toast.makeText(this, "Dragged data is " + dragData, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

            // Turn off color tints.

            // Invalidate the view to force a redraw.

            // Return true. DragEvent.getResult() returns true.
            return true;

        case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED:

            // Turn off color tinting.

            // Invalidate the view to force a redraw.

            // Do a getResult() and displays what happens.
            if (e.getResult()) {
                Toast.makeText(this, "The drop was handled.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            } else {
                Toast.makeText(this, "The drop didn't work.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

            // Return true. The value is ignored.
            return true;

        // An unknown action type is received.
            Log.e("DragDrop Example","Unknown action type received by View.OnDragListener.");

    return false;





private class MyDragShadowBuilder(view: View) : View.DragShadowBuilder(view) {

    private val shadow = ColorDrawable(Color.LTGRAY)

    // Define a callback that sends the drag shadow dimensions and touch point
    // back to the system.
    override fun onProvideShadowMetrics(size: Point, touch: Point) {

            // Set the width of the shadow to half the width of the original
            // View.
            val width: Int = view.width / 2

            // Set the height of the shadow to half the height of the original
            // View.
            val height: Int = view.height / 2

            // The drag shadow is a ColorDrawable. Set its dimensions to
            // be the same as the Canvas that the system provides. As a result,
            // the drag shadow fills the Canvas.
            shadow.setBounds(0, 0, width, height)

            // Set the size parameter's width and height values. These get back
            // to the system through the size parameter.
            size.set(width, height)

            // Set the touch point's position to be in the middle of the drag
            // shadow.
            touch.set(width / 2, height / 2)

    // Define a callback that draws the drag shadow in a Canvas that the system
    // constructs from the dimensions passed to onProvideShadowMetrics().
    override fun onDrawShadow(canvas: Canvas) {

            // Draw the ColorDrawable on the Canvas passed in from the system.


private static class MyDragShadowBuilder extends View.DragShadowBuilder {

    // The drag shadow image, defined as a drawable object.
    private static Drawable shadow;

    // Constructor.
    public MyDragShadowBuilder(View view) {

            // Store the View parameter.

            // Create a draggable image that fills the Canvas provided by the
            // system.
            shadow = new ColorDrawable(Color.LTGRAY);

    // Define a callback that sends the drag shadow dimensions and touch point
    // back to the system.
    public void onProvideShadowMetrics (Point size, Point touch) {

            // Define local variables.
            int width, height;

            // Set the width of the shadow to half the width of the original
            // View.
            width = getView().getWidth() / 2;

            // Set the height of the shadow to half the height of the original
            // View.
            height = getView().getHeight() / 2;

            // The drag shadow is a ColorDrawable. Set its dimensions to
            // be the same as the Canvas that the system provides. As a result,
            // the drag shadow fills the Canvas.
            shadow.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);

            // Set the size parameter's width and height values. These get back
            // to the system through the size parameter.
            size.set(width, height);

            // Set the touch point's position to be in the middle of the drag
            // shadow.
            touch.set(width / 2, height / 2);

    // Define a callback that draws the drag shadow in a Canvas that the system
    // constructs from the dimensions passed to onProvideShadowMetrics().
    public void onDrawShadow(Canvas canvas) {

            // Draw the ColorDrawable on the Canvas passed in from the system.