
Paging 库提供了强大的功能,用于从更大的数据集中加载和显示分页数据。本指南演示如何使用 Paging 库从网络数据源设置分页数据流并在 RecyclerView 中显示它。


第一步是定义一个 PagingSource 实现来识别数据源。PagingSource API 类包含 load() 方法,您覆盖该方法以指示如何从相应的数据源检索分页数据。

直接使用 PagingSource 类来使用 Kotlin 协程进行异步加载。Paging 库还提供类来支持其他异步框架


PagingSource<Key, Value> 具有两个类型参数:KeyValue。键定义用于加载数据的标识符,值是数据本身的类型。例如,如果您通过将 Int 页码传递给 Retrofit 从网络加载 User 对象的页面,请选择 Int 作为 Key 类型,并将 User 作为 Value 类型。

定义 PagingSource

以下示例实现了一个 PagingSource,它按页码加载项目页面。Key 类型为 IntValue 类型为 User


class ExamplePagingSource(
    val backend: ExampleBackendService,
    val query: String
) : PagingSource<Int, User>() {
  override suspend fun load(
    params: LoadParams<Int>
  ): LoadResult<Int, User> {
    try {
      // Start refresh at page 1 if undefined.
      val nextPageNumber = params.key ?: 1
      val response = backend.searchUsers(query, nextPageNumber)
      return LoadResult.Page(
        data = response.users,
        prevKey = null, // Only paging forward.
        nextKey = response.nextPageNumber
    } catch (e: Exception) {
      // Handle errors in this block and return LoadResult.Error for
      // expected errors (such as a network failure).

  override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<Int, User>): Int? {
    // Try to find the page key of the closest page to anchorPosition from
    // either the prevKey or the nextKey; you need to handle nullability
    // here.
    //  * prevKey == null -> anchorPage is the first page.
    //  * nextKey == null -> anchorPage is the last page.
    //  * both prevKey and nextKey are null -> anchorPage is the
    //    initial page, so return null.
    return state.anchorPosition?.let { anchorPosition ->
      val anchorPage = state.closestPageToPosition(anchorPosition)
      anchorPage?.prevKey?.plus(1) ?: anchorPage?.nextKey?.minus(1)


class ExamplePagingSource extends RxPagingSource<Integer, User> {
  private ExampleBackendService mBackend;
  private String mQuery;

  ExamplePagingSource(@NonNull ExampleBackendService backend,
    @NonNull String query) {
    mBackend = backend;
    mQuery = query;

  public Single<LoadResult<Integer, User>> loadSingle(
    @NotNull LoadParams<Integer> params) {
    // Start refresh at page 1 if undefined.
    Integer nextPageNumber = params.getKey();
    if (nextPageNumber == null) {
      nextPageNumber = 1;

    return mBackend.searchUsers(mQuery, nextPageNumber)

  private LoadResult<Integer, User> toLoadResult(
    @NonNull SearchUserResponse response) {
    return new LoadResult.Page<>(
      null, // Only paging forward.

  public Integer getRefreshKey(@NotNull PagingState<Integer, User> state) {
    // Try to find the page key of the closest page to anchorPosition from
    // either the prevKey or the nextKey; you need to handle nullability
    // here.
    //  * prevKey == null -> anchorPage is the first page.
    //  * nextKey == null -> anchorPage is the last page.
    //  * both prevKey and nextKey are null -> anchorPage is the
    //    initial page, so return null.
    Integer anchorPosition = state.getAnchorPosition();
    if (anchorPosition == null) {
      return null;

    LoadResult.Page<Integer, User> anchorPage = state.closestPageToPosition(anchorPosition);
    if (anchorPage == null) {
      return null;

    Integer prevKey = anchorPage.getPrevKey();
    if (prevKey != null) {
      return prevKey + 1;

    Integer nextKey = anchorPage.getNextKey();
    if (nextKey != null) {
      return nextKey - 1;

    return null;


class ExamplePagingSource extends ListenableFuturePagingSource<Integer, User> {
  private ExampleBackendService mBackend;
  private String mQuery;
  private Executor mBgExecutor;

    @NonNull ExampleBackendService backend,
    @NonNull String query, @NonNull Executor bgExecutor) {
    mBackend = backend;
    mQuery = query;
    mBgExecutor = bgExecutor;

  public ListenableFuture<LoadResult<Integer, User>> loadFuture(@NotNull LoadParams<Integer> params) {
    // Start refresh at page 1 if undefined.
    Integer nextPageNumber = params.getKey();
    if (nextPageNumber == null) {
      nextPageNumber = 1;

    ListenableFuture<LoadResult<Integer, User>> pageFuture =
      Futures.transform(mBackend.searchUsers(mQuery, nextPageNumber),
      this::toLoadResult, mBgExecutor);

    ListenableFuture<LoadResult<Integer, User>> partialLoadResultFuture =
      Futures.catching(pageFuture, HttpException.class,
      LoadResult.Error::new, mBgExecutor);

    return Futures.catching(partialLoadResultFuture,
      IOException.class, LoadResult.Error::new, mBgExecutor);

  private LoadResult<Integer, User> toLoadResult(@NonNull SearchUserResponse response) {
    return new LoadResult.Page<>(response.getUsers(),
    null, // Only paging forward.

  public Integer getRefreshKey(@NotNull PagingState<Integer, User> state) {
    // Try to find the page key of the closest page to anchorPosition from
    // either the prevKey or the nextKey; you need to handle nullability
    // here.
    //  * prevKey == null -> anchorPage is the first page.
    //  * nextKey == null -> anchorPage is the last page.
    //  * both prevKey and nextKey are null -> anchorPage is the
    //    initial page, so return null.
    Integer anchorPosition = state.getAnchorPosition();
    if (anchorPosition == null) {
      return null;

    LoadResult.Page<Integer, User> anchorPage = state.closestPageToPosition(anchorPosition);
    if (anchorPage == null) {
      return null;

    Integer prevKey = anchorPage.getPrevKey();
    if (prevKey != null) {
      return prevKey + 1;

    Integer nextKey = anchorPage.getNextKey();
    if (nextKey != null) {
      return nextKey - 1;

    return null;

典型的 PagingSource 实现将构造函数中提供的参数传递给 load() 方法以加载查询的适当数据。在上面的示例中,这些参数是

  • backend:提供数据的后端服务的实例
  • query:要发送到 backend 指定的服务的搜索查询

LoadParams 对象包含有关要执行的加载操作的信息。这包括要加载的键和要加载的项目数。

LoadResult 对象包含加载操作的结果。 LoadResult 是一个密封类,根据 load() 调用是否成功,它有两种形式。

  • 如果加载成功,则返回一个 LoadResult.Page 对象。
  • 如果加载不成功,则返回一个 LoadResult.Error 对象。

下图说明了本示例中 load() 函数如何接收每个加载的键并提供后续加载的键。

On each load() call, the ExamplePagingSource takes in the current key
    and returns the next key to load.
图 1. 显示 load() 如何使用和更新键的示意图。

PagingSource 实现还必须实现一个 getRefreshKey() 方法,该方法以 PagingState 对象作为参数。它返回在初始加载后数据刷新或失效时传递给 load() 方法的键。Paging 库在后续数据刷新时会自动调用此方法。


加载数据的请求可能会因多种原因失败,尤其是在通过网络加载时。通过从 load() 方法返回 LoadResult.Error 对象来报告加载过程中遇到的错误。

例如,您可以通过将以下内容添加到前一个示例中的 ExamplePagingSourceload() 方法中来捕获和报告加载错误


catch (e: IOException) {
  // IOException for network failures.
  return LoadResult.Error(e)
} catch (e: HttpException) {
  // HttpException for any non-2xx HTTP status codes.
  return LoadResult.Error(e)


return backend.searchUsers(searchTerm, nextPageNumber)


ListenableFuture<LoadResult<Integer, User>> pageFuture = Futures.transform(
  backend.searchUsers(query, nextPageNumber), this::toLoadResult,

ListenableFuture<LoadResult<Integer, User>> partialLoadResultFuture = Futures.catching(
  pageFuture, HttpException.class, LoadResult.Error::new,

return Futures.catching(partialLoadResultFuture,
  IOException.class, LoadResult.Error::new, bgExecutor);

有关处理 Retrofit 错误的更多信息,请参阅 PagingSource API 参考中的示例。

PagingSource 会收集 LoadResult.Error 对象并将其传递到 UI,以便您可以对其进行处理。有关在 UI 中公开加载状态的更多信息,请参阅 管理和呈现加载状态

设置 PagingData 流

接下来,您需要从 PagingSource 实现获取分页数据的流。在您的 ViewModel 中设置数据流。 Pager 类提供了一些方法,这些方法可以从 PagingSource 中公开 PagingData 对象的反应式流。Paging 库支持使用多种流类型,包括 FlowLiveData 以及 RxJava 中的 FlowableObservable 类型。

当您创建 Pager 实例以设置反应式流时,必须向其提供一个 PagingConfig 配置对象,以及一个函数来告诉 Pager 如何获取您的 PagingSource 实现的实例。


val flow = Pager(
  // Configure how data is loaded by passing additional properties to
  // PagingConfig, such as prefetchDistance.
  PagingConfig(pageSize = 20)
) {
  ExamplePagingSource(backend, query)


// CoroutineScope helper provided by the lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx artifact.
CoroutineScope viewModelScope = ViewModelKt.getViewModelScope(viewModel);
Pager<Integer, User> pager = Pager<>(
  new PagingConfig(/* pageSize = */ 20),
  () -> ExamplePagingSource(backend, query));

Flowable<PagingData<User>> flowable = PagingRx.getFlowable(pager);
PagingRx.cachedIn(flowable, viewModelScope);


// CoroutineScope helper provided by the lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx artifact.
CoroutineScope viewModelScope = ViewModelKt.getViewModelScope(viewModel);
Pager<Integer, User> pager = Pager<>(
  new PagingConfig(/* pageSize = */ 20),
  () -> ExamplePagingSource(backend, query));

PagingLiveData.cachedIn(PagingLiveData.getLiveData(pager), viewModelScope);

cachedIn() 运算符使数据流可共享,并使用提供的 CoroutineScope 缓存加载的数据。此示例使用生命周期 lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx 工件提供的 viewModelScope

Pager 对象会调用 PagingSource 对象的 load() 方法,向其提供 LoadParams 对象,并接收返回的 LoadResult 对象。

定义 RecyclerView 适配器

您还需要设置一个适配器,以便将数据接收到的 RecyclerView 列表中。Paging 库为此提供了 PagingDataAdapter 类。

定义一个扩展 PagingDataAdapter 的类。在本示例中,UserAdapter 扩展 PagingDataAdapter,为类型为 User 的列表项提供 RecyclerView 适配器,并使用 UserViewHolder 作为 视图持有者


class UserAdapter(diffCallback: DiffUtil.ItemCallback<User>) :
  PagingDataAdapter<User, UserViewHolder>(diffCallback) {
  override fun onCreateViewHolder(
    parent: ViewGroup,
    viewType: Int
  ): UserViewHolder {
    return UserViewHolder(parent)

  override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: UserViewHolder, position: Int) {
    val item = getItem(position)
    // Note that item can be null. ViewHolder must support binding a
    // null item as a placeholder.


class UserAdapter extends PagingDataAdapter<User, UserViewHolder> {
  UserAdapter(@NotNull DiffUtil.ItemCallback<User> diffCallback) {

  public UserViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
    return new UserViewHolder(parent);

  public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull UserViewHolder holder, int position) {
    User item = getItem(position);
    // Note that item can be null. ViewHolder must support binding a
    // null item as a placeholder.


class UserAdapter extends PagingDataAdapter<User, UserViewHolder> {
  UserAdapter(@NotNull DiffUtil.ItemCallback<User> diffCallback) {

  public UserViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
    return new UserViewHolder(parent);

  public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull UserViewHolder holder, int position) {
    User item = getItem(position);
    // Note that item can be null. ViewHolder must support binding a
    // null item as a placeholder.

您的适配器还必须定义 onCreateViewHolder()onBindViewHolder() 方法,并指定一个 DiffUtil.ItemCallback。这与在定义 RecyclerView 列表适配器时的操作相同。


object UserComparator : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<User>() {
  override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: User, newItem: User): Boolean {
    // Id is unique.
    return oldItem.id == newItem.id

  override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: User, newItem: User): Boolean {
    return oldItem == newItem


class UserComparator extends DiffUtil.ItemCallback<User> {
  public boolean areItemsTheSame(@NonNull User oldItem,
    @NonNull User newItem) {
    // Id is unique.
    return oldItem.id.equals(newItem.id);

  public boolean areContentsTheSame(@NonNull User oldItem,
    @NonNull User newItem) {
    return oldItem.equals(newItem);


class UserComparator extends DiffUtil.ItemCallback<User> {
  public boolean areItemsTheSame(@NonNull User oldItem,
    @NonNull User newItem) {
    // Id is unique.
    return oldItem.id.equals(newItem.id);

  public boolean areContentsTheSame(@NonNull User oldItem,
    @NonNull User newItem) {
    return oldItem.equals(newItem);

在 UI 中显示分页数据

现在您已经定义了 PagingSource,创建了一种让您的应用生成 PagingData 流的方法,并定义了一个 PagingDataAdapter,您就可以将这些元素连接在一起并在您的活动中显示分页数据了。

在您的活动的 onCreate 方法或片段的 onViewCreated 方法中执行以下步骤

  1. 创建您的 PagingDataAdapter 类的实例。
  2. PagingDataAdapter 实例传递到您要显示分页数据的 RecyclerView 列表。
  3. 观察 PagingData 流,并将每个生成的值传递到适配器的 submitData() 方法。


val viewModel by viewModels<ExampleViewModel>()

val pagingAdapter = UserAdapter(UserComparator)
val recyclerView = findViewById<RecyclerView>(R.id.recycler_view)
recyclerView.adapter = pagingAdapter

// Activities can use lifecycleScope directly; fragments use
// viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.
lifecycleScope.launch {
  viewModel.flow.collectLatest { pagingData ->


ExampleViewModel viewModel = new ViewModelProvider(this)

UserAdapter pagingAdapter = new UserAdapter(new UserComparator());
RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById<RecyclerView>(
recyclerView.adapter = pagingAdapter

  // Using AutoDispose to handle subscription lifecycle.
  // See: https://github.com/uber/AutoDispose.
  .subscribe(pagingData -> pagingAdapter.submitData(lifecycle, pagingData));


ExampleViewModel viewModel = new ViewModelProvider(this)

UserAdapter pagingAdapter = new UserAdapter(new UserComparator());
RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById<RecyclerView>(
recyclerView.adapter = pagingAdapter

// Activities can use getLifecycle() directly; fragments use
// getViewLifecycleOwner().getLifecycle().
viewModel.liveData.observe(this, pagingData ->
  pagingAdapter.submitData(getLifecycle(), pagingData));

RecyclerView 列表现在会显示来自数据源的分页数据,并在必要时自动加载另一个页面。


要了解有关 Paging 库的更多信息,请参阅以下其他资源

