在集成资源交付时,Unity 游戏可以使用 Addressables 或 AssetBundles 访问资源包。Addressables 是 Unity 2019.4 或更高版本构建的游戏中更新且推荐的资源交付解决方案,而 AssetBundles 在 Unity 2017.4 和 2018.4 中提供对资源包的支持。
Unity Addressables
使用 Unity 2019.4 或更高版本构建的游戏应使用 Addressables 在 Android 上进行资源交付。Unity 提供了一个 Play Asset Delivery (PAD) API,用于使用 Addressables 处理 Android 资源包。有关使用 Addressables 的信息,请参阅以下内容
- Android 包的 Addressables
- Unity 的 PAD 指南
- Unity 的 PAD API 参考文档
使用 AssetBundle 文件
使用 Unity 2017.4 和 2018.4 构建的游戏可以在 Android 上使用 AssetBundle 文件进行资源交付。Unity AssetBundle 文件包含可由 Unity 引擎在应用运行时加载的序列化资源。这些文件是特定于平台的(例如,为 Android 构建),并且可以与资源包结合使用。最常见的是,一个 AssetBundle 文件被打包到一个资源包中,该包使用与 AssetBundle 相同的名称。如果您希望在创建资源包方面有更大的灵活性,请使用 API 配置资源包。
在运行时,使用 Unity 的 Play Asset Delivery 类检索打包在资源包中的 AssetBundle。
从 Unity 的 Google 软件包 下载 Play Asset Delivery Unity 插件的最新版本。
使用 UI 配置 AssetBundles
在资源包中配置每个 AssetBundle
- 选择Google > Android 应用包 > 资源交付设置。
- 要选择直接包含 AssetBundle 文件的文件夹,请点击添加文件夹。
选择Google > 构建 Android 应用包以构建应用包。
(可选)配置您的应用包以支持不同的 纹理压缩格式。
使用 API 配置资源包
使用 AssetPackConfig
类定义要包含在 Android 应用包构建中的资源以及资源的交付模式。这些资源包不需要包含 AssetBundle。
public void ConfigureAssetPacks { // Creates an AssetPackConfig with a single asset pack, named // examplePackName, containing all the files in path/to/exampleFolder. var assetPackConfig = new AssetPackConfig(); assetPackConfig.AddAssetsFolder("examplePackName", "path/to/exampleFolder", AssetPackDeliveryMode.OnDemand); // Configures the build system to use the newly created assetPackConfig when // calling Google > Build and Run or Google > Build Android App Bundle. AssetPackConfigSerializer.SaveConfig(assetPackConfig); // Alternatively, use BundleTool.BuildBundle to build an App Bundle from script. BuildBundle(new buildPlayerOptions(), assetPackConfig); }
您还可以使用 Bundletool
类中的静态 BuildBundle
方法生成包含资源包的 Android 应用包,方法是提供 BuildPlayerOptions 和 AssetPackConfig
有关分步教程,请参阅 在 Unity 游戏中使用 Play Asset Delivery 的 Codelab。
与 Play Asset Delivery Unity API 集成
Play Asset Delivery Unity API 提供了请求资源包、管理下载和访问资源的功能。请确保先 将 Unity 插件添加到您的项目中。
您在 API 中使用的函数取决于您创建资源包的方式。
如果您 使用插件 UI 创建了资源包,请选择插件配置的资源包。
如果您 使用 API(或插件 UI)创建了资源包,请选择API 配置的资源包。
根据您希望访问的资源包的交付类型,实现 API。以下流程图显示了这些步骤。
图 1. 访问资源包的流程图
检索 AssetBundle
导入Play Asset Delivery 库 并调用RetrieveAssetBundleAsync()
方法来检索 AssetBundle。
using Google.Play.AssetDelivery; // Loads the AssetBundle from disk, downloading the asset pack containing it if necessary. PlayAssetBundleRequest bundleRequest = PlayAssetDelivery.RetrieveAssetBundleAsync(asset-bundle-name);
的资源包在应用启动时即可立即使用。您可以使用以下方法从 AssetBundle 加载场景
AssetBundle assetBundle = bundleRequest.AssetBundle; // You may choose to load scenes from the AssetBundle. For example: string[] scenePaths = assetBundle.GetAllScenePaths(); SceneManager.LoadScene(scenePaths[path-index]);
// Download progress of request, between 0.0f and 1.0f. The value will always be // 1.0 for assets delivered as install-time. // NOTE: A value of 1.0 will only signify the download is complete. It will still need to be loaded. float progress = bundleRequest.DownloadProgress; // Returns true if: // * it had either completed the download, installing, and loading of the AssetBundle, // * OR if it has encountered an error. bool done = bundleRequest.IsDone; // Returns status of retrieval request. AssetDeliveryStatus status = bundleRequest.Status; switch(status) { case AssetDeliveryStatus.Pending: // Asset pack download is pending - N/A for install-time assets. case AssetDeliveryStatus.Retrieving: // Asset pack is being downloaded and transferred to app storage. // N/A for install-time assets. case AssetDeliveryStatus.Available: // Asset pack is downloaded on disk but NOT loaded into memory. // For PlayAssetPackRequest(), this indicates that the request is complete. case AssetDeliveryStatus.Loading: // Asset pack is being loaded. case AssetDeliveryStatus.Loaded: // Asset pack has finished loading, assets can now be loaded. // For PlayAssetBundleRequest(), this indicates that the request is complete. case AssetDeliveryStatus.Failed: // Asset pack retrieval has failed. case AssetDeliveryStatus.WaitingForWifi: // Asset pack retrieval paused until either the device connects via Wi-Fi, // or the user accepts the PlayAssetDelivery.ShowConfirmationDialog dialog. case AssetDeliveryStatus.RequiresUserConfirmation: // Asset pack retrieval paused until the user accepts the // PlayAssetDelivery.ShowConfirmationDialog dialog. default: break; }
大于 200MB 的资源包可以自动下载,但仅限于 Wi-Fi 网络。如果用户未连接 Wi-Fi,则PlayAssetBundleRequest
,并且下载将暂停。在这种情况下,请等待设备连接到 Wi-Fi 以恢复下载,或提示用户批准通过蜂窝网络下载资源包。
显示的对话框之前,下载不会继续。如果 Play 未识别应用,则可能会出现此状态。请注意,在这种情况下调用PlayAssetDelivery.ShowConfirmationDialog()
if(request.Status == AssetDeliveryStatus.RequiresUserConfirmation || request.Status == AssetDeliveryStatus.WaitingForWifi) { var userConfirmationOperation = PlayAssetDelivery.ShowConfirmationDialog(); yield return userConfirmationOperation; switch(userConfirmationOperation.GetResult()) { case ConfirmationDialogResult.Unknown: // userConfirmationOperation finished with an error. Something went // wrong when displaying the prompt to the user, and they weren't // able to interact with the dialog. case ConfirmationDialogResult.Accepted: // User accepted the confirmation dialog--an update will start. case ConfirmationDialogResult.Declined: // User canceled or declined the dialog. It can be shown again. default: break; } }
如果需要在 AssetBundle 加载到内存之前取消请求,请在PlayAssetBundleRequest
// Will only attempt if the status is Pending, Retrieving, or Available - otherwise // it will be a no-op. bundleRequest.AttemptCancel(); // Check to see if the request was successful by checking if the error code is Canceled. if(bundleRequest.Error == AssetDeliveryErrorCode.Canceled) { // Request was successfully canceled. }
在大多数情况下,您应该使用协程 异步请求资源包并监控进度,如下所示
private IEnumerator LoadAssetBundleCoroutine(string assetBundleName) { PlayAssetBundleRequest bundleRequest = PlayAssetDelivery.RetrieveAssetBundleAsync(assetBundleName); while (!bundleRequest.IsDone) { if(bundleRequest.Status == AssetDeliveryStatus.WaitingForWifi) { var userConfirmationOperation = PlayAssetDelivery.ShowCellularDataConfirmation(); // Wait for confirmation dialog action. yield return userConfirmationOperation; if((userConfirmationOperation.Error != AssetDeliveryErrorCode.NoError) || (userConfirmationOperation.GetResult() != ConfirmationDialogResult.Accepted)) { // The user did not accept the confirmation. Handle as needed. } // Wait for Wi-Fi connection OR confirmation dialog acceptance before moving on. yield return new WaitUntil(() => bundleRequest.Status != AssetDeliveryStatus.WaitingForWifi); } // Use bundleRequest.DownloadProgress to track download progress. // Use bundleRequest.Status to track the status of request. yield return null; } if (bundleRequest.Error != AssetDeliveryErrorCode.NoError) { // There was an error retrieving the bundle. For error codes NetworkError // and InsufficientStorage, you may prompt the user to check their // connection settings or check their storage space, respectively, then // try again. yield return null; } // Request was successful. Retrieve AssetBundle from request.AssetBundle. AssetBundle assetBundle = bundleRequest.AssetBundle;
其他 Play Core API 方法
以下是一些您可能希望在应用中使用的其他 API 方法。
通过对 Google Play 进行异步调用并在操作完成后设置回调方法来检查 AssetBundle 的大小
public IEnumerator GetDownloadSize() { PlayAsyncOperation<long> getSizeOperation = PlayAssetDelivery.GetDownloadSize(assetPackName); yield return getSizeOperation; if(operation.Error != AssetDeliveryErrorCode.NoError) { // Error while retrieving download size. } else { // Download size is given in bytes. long downloadSize = operation.GetResult(); } }
删除 AssetBundle
您可以删除当前未加载到内存中的快速后续交付和按需 AssetBundle。进行以下异步调用,并在其完成后设置回调方法
PlayAsyncOperation<string> removeOperation = PlayAssetDelivery.RemoveAssetPack(assetBundleName); removeOperation.Completed += (operation) => { if(operation.Error != AssetDeliveryErrorCode.NoError) { // Error while attempting to remove AssetBundles. } else { // Files were deleted OR files did not exist to begin with. } };
在本地和 Google Play 上测试资源包交付。