
运行 Android 10(API 级别 29)或更高版本的设备允许您的应用将来自用户通讯录中不存在的号码的呼叫识别为潜在的垃圾邮件呼叫。用户可以选择静默拒绝垃圾邮件呼叫。为了在用户错过呼叫时提供更大的透明度,有关这些被阻止呼叫的信息将记录在通话记录中。使用 Android 10 API 消除了获取 READ_CALL_LOG 权限以提供呼叫筛选和主叫方 ID 功能的要求。

您可以使用 CallScreeningService 实现来筛选呼叫。当号码不在用户的联系人列表中时,请为任何新的传入或传出呼叫调用 onScreenCall() 函数。您可以检查 Call.Details 对象以获取有关呼叫的信息。具体来说,getCallerNumberVerificationStatus() 函数包含网络提供商提供的有关其他号码的信息。如果验证状态失败,则表明该呼叫来自无效号码或潜在的垃圾邮件呼叫。


class ScreeningService : CallScreeningService() {
    // This function is called when an ingoing or outgoing call
    // is from a number not in the user's contacts list
    override fun onScreenCall(callDetails: Call.Details) {
        // Can check the direction of the call
        val isIncoming = callDetails.callDirection == Call.Details.DIRECTION_INCOMING

        if (isIncoming) {
            // the handle (e.g. phone number) that the Call is currently connected to
            val handle: Uri = callDetails.handle

            // determine if you want to allow or reject the call
            when (callDetails.callerNumberVerificationStatus) {
                Connection.VERIFICATION_STATUS_FAILED -> {
                    // Network verification failed, likely an invalid/spam call.
                Connection.VERIFICATION_STATUS_PASSED -> {
                    // Network verification passed, likely a valid call.
                else -> {
                    // Network could not perform verification.
                    // This branch matches Connection.VERIFICATION_STATUS_NOT_VERIFIED.


class ScreeningService extends CallScreeningService {
    public void onScreenCall(@NonNull Call.Details callDetails) {
        boolean isIncoming = callDetails.getCallDirection() == Call.Details.DIRECTION_INCOMING;

        if (isIncoming) {
            Uri handle = callDetails.getHandle();

            switch (callDetails.getCallerNumberVerificationStatus()) {
                case Connection.VERIFICATION_STATUS_FAILED:
                    // Network verification failed, likely an invalid/spam call.
                case Connection.VERIFICATION_STATUS_PASSED:
                    // Network verification passed, likely a valid call.
                    // Network could not perform verification.
                    // This branch matches Connection.VERIFICATION_STATUS_NOT_VERIFIED

onScreenCall() 函数设置为调用 respondToCall() 以告知系统如何响应新呼叫。此函数采用 CallResponse 参数,您可以使用该参数告知系统阻止呼叫、将其拒绝(如同用户所做的那样)或使其静音。您还可以告知系统完全跳过将此呼叫添加到设备的通话记录中。


// Tell the system how to respond to the incoming call
// and if it should notify the user of the call.
val response = CallResponse.Builder()
    // Sets whether the incoming call should be blocked.
    // Sets whether the incoming call should be rejected as if the user did so manually.
    // Sets whether ringing should be silenced for the incoming call.
    // Sets whether the incoming call should not be displayed in the call log.
    // Sets whether a missed call notification should not be shown for the incoming call.

// Call this function to provide your screening response.
respondToCall(callDetails, response)


// Tell the system how to respond to the incoming call
// and if it should notify the user of the call.
CallResponse.Builder response = new CallResponse.Builder();
// Sets whether the incoming call should be blocked.
// Sets whether the incoming call should be rejected as if the user did so manually.
// Sets whether ringing should be silenced for the incoming call.
// Sets whether the incoming call should not be displayed in the call log.
// Sets whether a missed call notification should not be shown for the incoming call.

// Call this function to provide your screening response.
respondToCall(callDetails, response.build());

您必须在清单文件中使用相应的意图过滤器和权限注册 CallScreeningService 实现,以便系统能够正确触发它。

        <action android:name="android.telecom.CallScreeningService" />